No more guessing at how many calories you burn at rest or which cardio zone to train in and for how long. Stop guessing, know your physiology, train with a purpose.
The assessment is made up of three main parts:
Metabolism at rest
How many calories you burn at rest, and what kind. Carbs vs Fats
Metabolism while you exercise
VO₂ max and substrate utilization per zones
Respiratory analysis
Air volume potential, breathing efficiency at rest and during exercise
The active metabolic assessment (VO₂ max) is a combination of how well your body takes in oxygen, uses that oxygen for fuel, and how well it excretes it out the body.
VO₂ max is important. However, if you are an endurance athlete, more important is how well your body can utilize your VO₂ max. In other words, what % of your VO₂ max can you train at for hours on end?
Examples of metabolic biomarkers we gather:
VO₂ max
Maximum fat oxidation
Aerobic Threshold
Anaerobic Threshold
Breathing frequency at all intensities/zones
Tidal Volume at all zones
Peak Tidal volume
RER at each zone
Heart Rate recovery
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