What is First Principles?

Used by philosopher Aristotle, First Principles Thinking is one of the best ways to reverse-engineer complicated problems and unleash creative possibility. The idea is to break down complicated problems into basic elements, then reassembling them from the ground up.

It’s one of the best ways to learn to think for yourself, unlock your creative potential, and move from linear to non-linear results. Stop reasoning with inadequate analogies and see opportunities that others miss.

Why We're Different

At FP Fitness, our objective is to help individuals maximize their performance. Whether it’s on the field or in the office, when humans can operate at their genetic potential, the sky's the limit.

Poor sleep, malnutrition and inappropriate training can severely imbalance our nervous system. This damage is slow and gradual but compounds over time, often going unnoticed. Our job is to expose the root of this detrimental cycle and facilitate sustainable change.

Designing training regimens, correcting breathing pattern disorders and improving dysfunctional sleep schedules are the main areas of focus for our clients. We want your nervous system working for you, not against you. The body’s issues are rarely one-dimensional. Our coaches understand this and approach every issue with an open mind, while keeping you in the loop the entire way.


  • Lead with first principles.

    Understanding your health comes down to adopting a thought process that helps you understand the fundamental truths. Lose the quick-fixes, get to the source, and start solving for the root of the problem.

  • Connect the dots and change.

    Know your body better by expanding your knowledge and understanding the ‘why’ behind your problems. Think beyond what you think you know - because education is what truly creates change.

  • The solution is right in front of you.

    Solving problems isn’t about being told what to do - it’s having a thought process so you can rationalize for yourself. Don't be a bystander in your life and speak for yourself.

  • Action is progress.

    In order to create change, you must allow change. Follow the science with an open mind to learn and evolve, and always keep moving forward.

  • You don’t need to be right, just the least wrong.

    Stop holding onto ideas that attach yourself to a value and recognize the most bulletproof way to live your life is not about being right. Let go of your ego and look for the right answer - not your answer.

Meet Rick Crampton

Rick is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and graduate of Springfield College with a BS in Exercise Science. For the past 10 years, Rick has been working as a Boston-based Personal Trainer at sports performance facilities and the cardiac rehab program for Bay State Medical Center. In addition to coaching, he currently teaches seminars and workshops to trainers nationwide that range from running metabolic assessments, stratifying risk for chronic illness, and assessing breathing pattern disorders and their effect on the human body.

Educating others is Rick’s true passion.

Researching and sharing digestible information to help others is what motivates him every day. Growing up with dyslexia and ADHD, he understands the challenges of learning that has taught him patience and empathy to facilitate the learning process. Educating through sound principles, he helps clients learn in a clear manner by simplifying complex concepts in a practical way.


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